
  • My preferred name is: Garrett
  • I live in: Yorktown Heights, NY
  • I am most fluent in (name language): English
  • If you hold a job – I work at Salsa Fresca for about 25 hours per week.
  • Someone I know who has earned a college degree is: My friend, Alex
  • Something I’ve done that I’m proud of is: Produced a cocktail themed fashion show
  • One of my favorite visual artists or designers is: Alexander McQueen
  • Are you looking to earn a degree at Westchester Community College? If so, what is your major and about how close are you to completing your degree? Fashion Design/Technical Design
  • I chose to enroll in Graphic Design 1 because: I am interested in event promotion and graphical art
  • The final grade I’d like to earn in Graphic Design 1 is: A
  • I expect to spend about 4 hours per week on homework for Graphic Design 1.
  • Some clubs or organizations that I belong to in include: Fashion and Style Society 
  • In five years I would like to be doing: Technical Design as a career, Freelance Fashion Design, Show production
  • Three adjectives others might use to describe me are: Unique, Compassionate, Comical

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