Lunar Colonies

Lastly, the remaining seat on the Galactic Matriarchy is a species that colonizes moons that orbit resource rich planets instead of living on the planet itself. They have observed their history and other species’ history and has come to the conclusion that global societies cannot trust themselves not to trash their planets whilst living on them. So they have devoted the evolution of their technology into terraforming moons and planets that do not have an atmosphere, and making it livable. The only part of their species that live on their planets are the harvesters that gather resources for their people. They are held with the highest esteem, just as we hold music celebrities at the highest. Their colors are black and green. I had chosen to use the same spacey lycra and an emerald green crushed velvet. Unfortunately I could not get a picture of any of the steps of this design because towards the end of this semester I kind of went off the deep end and I had forgotten. The only picture I have is of the 3 Galactic Matriarchs on the main page of this section.

I knew I had wanted to make a gown. I decided to go with the same color blocking/style line theme as the volcanic planet. so I had separated the almost floor length gown into panels. Front center, front side, back side, and back. I had decided not to cut the front and back center patterns on fold, and wanted a line down the center, just like the center back of the jacket for the volcanic planet. The center front and back panels were the emerald crushed velvet and the sides made out of the black spacey lycra.

The sleeves were made out of the crushed velvet as well, and I had added a higher cap and gave it a moderate gather, making a 2″ tall puffed sleeve. It is a short sleeve, ending at the armpit.

At the bottom of the gown, I wanted to add a surprise as she walked. I added godet-like kick pleats. I had added 8 pleats, one in between each panel, and I had made it so that the color being sewn to the panel was the other color to be used.

I had also added a short 1 1/4″ collar all around the neck, and put in an invisible zipper in the back.