Type Personality Poster

Type Poster

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Pantone 3975 U and Black was used (I was not able to find the Pantone # for the black I had used. I thought I had used a pantone black, but I guess I did not. I figured black (like black-black) would be a pantone color so there was no need to use a pantone black. The poster contains tints of both of these colors.


This is the final form of my type personality poster. I had gone through a rough time in my personal life which had prevented me from getting work done, so I do not have the collages, b/w copies, and my 2nd copy I had accidentally saved over. Woops.

However, my previous copies of the poster were horrendous in my opinion, becuase I did not have a full understanding of manipulation of negative space and the difference between tint and opacity. Once I had a firm understanding of the two, I was able to make this great poster, which I am very proud of.