Project 7

heavenly bodies004

The design has a dynamic and unified composition as it takes all areas of the picture plane and is very interesting. All areas are activated and the visual flow is from bottom left to top right. The primary focal point is the very simple white circle in the center of the black circle. There is no variation in mark making other than the width of the line and the congestion of the lines. There is a full range of value from dark dark, light lights, and in between. There is definitely complex figure ground relationships with multiple layers, and the white of the paper as the entire background. There is most definitely a sense of space in this design, it is literally in space. The 3 design elements chosen for this composition is highly achieved. The 3 are circles, reinforcement stickers, and aggression. The unconventional material was incorporated and well thought out. It look like it took a long time. The word aggression is achieved through the organized chaos of the multiple planets dangerously being close to each other in a situation that would never exist in reality. This scenario in space would be really dangerous. The design has been executed in a very person manner, no smudges and line quality is perfect. It all looks intentional.